Week 17 – This week, we drove in the Sur Chico region of Chile. We are now surrounded by green mountains, volcanoes and dark blue lakes.
We did try our chance in 2 small national parcs before being finally able to do a hike near Pucón. We are facing a new reality: the weather is far not as stable as it was in the north! So in the first one, the Reserva Nacional Altos del Lircay, we gave up our plan as the top of the Andes was really cloudy. In the second one which promised to be beautiful, the Parque Nacional Laguna Del Laja, we even didn’t see the volcano on the foot of which we did sleep! It was beautiful though as copses of yellow flowers had bloomed everywhere and contrasted so much with the grey sky and the black mountains!
Now we are in Pucón and we finally had good luck with the weather! So here is a souvenir of the Lago el Toro that we saw during our hike in the Parque Nacional Huerquehue.
Tomorrow we’ll go back on the road and drive toward Bariloche in Argentina, a promising beautiful region, part of the Lake District and the Ruta de Los Siete Lagos.